
We are your trusted
locksmith in Lexington, SC

We are your most dependable
and affordable mobile locksmith

Call Us Today!

Lexington Automotive Locksmith

We’ve all been there before: going about your day when you suddenly realize you have locked your keys in your car. It’s an unfortunate situation that can put the whole day on hold and lead to further issues. Thankfully, you can rely on a mobile locksmith that can and will come to your location no matter where you are or what time it is.

Our locksmiths are trained and capable of unlocking your car, duplicating your key, opening your trunk, repairing your ignition, and more. All you have to do is call! You can trust us to arrive quickly and never charge you more than you were quoted over the phone. So what are you waiting for? Get back to going about your day and call Pop-A-Lock of Lexington now!

Serving the Entire Lexington Metro Area

Lexington, Oak Grove, Dixiana, South Conagree, Pine Ridge. (All SC)

Local Dispatch Numbers

  • 803-933-9111Arcadia Lakes, Cayce, Columbia, Dentsville, Forest Acres, Irmo, Lexington, Pine Ridge, Red Bank, South Congaree, Springdale, West Columbia
Phone803-359-0031Address Lexington, SC,