Houston Car Key Replacement: Types of Automotive Keys
An automobile key or car key is a type of key used for starting or opening a car. There are a number of different kinds of car keys including transponder keys, VATS keys, and smart key fobs and keys. There are two main types of car key cutting techniques that are used to make all of these types of automotive keys.
Traditional Mechanical-Cut Car Keys
This is the most common and popular type of automotive key. A traditional key cutting machine is used to cut mechanical car key in the same way that keys are made by locksmiths for regular locks, safes, and homes. Until the later part of the 20th century, the only technique that was used for making car keys was mechanical automotive key cutting. At that point, laser key cutting started to become popular. Laser cut keys have increased security associated with them which make mechanical cut keys not as common on new cars. For more information on the Popalock commercial automotive services click here.
Laser Cut Car Keys
The keys are also called sidewinder or internal cut keys. This is the more advanced car key cutting technique. There are numerous security advantages that are offered by laser cut keys. Their lock cylinders are more difficult to pick when compared with traditional car keys and also are hard to duplicate since they are made using expensive high-tech laser cutting machines and highly specialized software. A majority of automobile manufacturers use laser cut keys now for their cars. Popalock is the best car key replacement Houston provider.
Common Automotive Key Types:
1. Transponder Keys
Those are car keys containing a computer microchip on the handle to help prevent key fraud and to ignite security. Transponder keys may be laser cut or mechanical depending on the auto’s model and make.
2. Smart Keys
This type of automotive key uses computerized sensors and microchips for opening and starting a car without needing to use a key. All you need is to have the key with you and your car unlocks and starts due to the key being nearby.
3. Vehicle Anti-Theft System (VATS) Keys
This is a type of mechanical cut key. The blade has a black resistor on it with one out of 15 potential values for additional security. Some people mistakenly think a resistor is a computer chip. However, VATS keys do not have any computer technology.
4. Valet Keys
This type of car key is slightly modified to allow the holder to be able to operate the door locks and ignition but not be able to open locked trunks or glove boxes. They are issued with a transponder key or standard smart key.
Getting A Car Key From A Car Dealership Vs. An Automotive Locksmith
A. Cost Effective
Car key replacement Houston is less expensive when you have an auto locksmith duplicate your spare key or make a new automotive key for you compared to having a local car dealership to do it. If you lose your keys and don’t have a way to start your car, then an automotive locksmith can come to your car instead of having it towed to a dealership. This will save you the expense of needing to have your car towed.
B. Convenient and Timely
Getting a new car key made by an auto locksmith takes less time than getting one from a car dealership. An auto locksmith comes out to you which saves you the time and hassle of needing to wait at the car dealership.
To provide you with a better idea of the car key replacement Houston services Pop-A-Lock provides, you can contact us or call today at 713-722-0060