What’s the difference between rekeying a lock at my home and one at my business?
The biggest difference between these two types of locks is that commercial locks are more than likely more complicated and belong to a master system, therefore taking more time to rekey. While residential locks often only have 5 pins within the mechanism, commercial locks require higher security and can have between 5 and 7 pins. And while you can opt to rekey a single lock in a home setting, often businesses run on master keys, so rekeying one lock means rekeying all of them.
What is the price difference between lock rekeying and replacing for my home?
Though it is impossible to give an exact answer since pricing depends on several factors, it is safe to assume that rekeying locks will be much more affordable than replacing them.
Can all my house locks be rekeyed to fit the same key?
Most likely. The easiest way to tell if this is possible is to check the brands of all of your locks. If they are all the same brand, rekeying to fit a master key is possible. If this is not the case, however, switching to a master key system will require that certain locks be replaced first.