If you’re concerned about your home being broken into, should you install a single- or double-sided deadbolt?
Customers have been calling recently to inquire about installing double-sided deadbolts. For those of you unfamiliar with this type of lock, a double-sided deadbolt requires a key to lock or unlock it from either side of the door. The benefit to a double-sided deadbolt is that it is more difficult for an intruder to unlock if there is a window near the lock. As long as you don’t leave the key in the lock, a potential burglar can’t reach in and unlock your door. However, what makes it more difficult for people to get IN your house also makes it harder for you to get OUT.
Opponents of double-sided deadbolts rightly worry about the difficulty of exiting your home in an emergency situation. If your house is on fire, for example, do you want the extra step of locating and using a key in order to open the door? Would your children be able to get out? So if you’re concerned about your home being broken into, should you install a single- or double-sided deadbolt? Ultimately, the decision comes down to what makes you feel safest. Is there a window within arm’s reach of the lock? Are you confident you or someone in the home could quickly unlock the door in an emergency? Would a double-sided deadbolt simply make you feel more protected?
If you’re still unsure about double-sided deadbolts but want a more secure lock on your door, there are other options. You can always call Pop-A-Lock for recommendations.