Pop-A-Lock Locksmith in Mobile is not a typical PAL franchise.
We have an extremely close team that really is more like a family than a corporate environment. It’s not unusual to find our team members spending time with each other during their off time sharing best practices and assisting each other.
We answer the phone locally right in Mobile, we know the Mobile area and are part of the community we service.
Working at Pop-A-Lock can be tough on our employees families due to the odd hours and demands of travelling to all of the areas we service. Rather than ignoring the problem the entire team tries to stay in touch and communicate with each other through social media, company gatherings and through an open door policy that includes not only employees but spouses and other family members as well.
We are VERY lucky to have such an outstanding team. Special recognition goes out to our front line representatives who work directly with our clients on the phone including Laura, Daniel, Ricky and Charlie. Their extra effort to support REAL customer service is what keeps our company in touch with our clients needs and keeps us growing.