The holidays are quickly approaching, and that means something different for everyone. Whether your favorite part of the holidays is making memories with friends and family, cooking delicious meals, or decorating the home in the spirit of Christmas, we can guess what your least favorite part is: hiding gifts from prying hands and eyes. Especially for those with small children, who can hardly think about anything else for the entire month of December! Thankfully, your local Pop-A-Lock is here with a handy guide for creative places where you can hide your Christmas presents!
For some, hiding Christmas presents is as easy as grabbing a ladder, or climbing up to the top shelf of your pantry. Others, however, might want to try a less obvious place. After all, what’s the point of hiding your gifts if you don’t even forget where they are?
One thing that we can assure you of is this: nowhere is off limits when it comes to hiding Christmas presents from inquisitive kids and prying eyes. Keeping in mind that the older your kids get, the harder the hiding becomes, check out these top six places to stow away those toys!

In the refrigerator. Since it’s a place that most kids know to stay away from, this is an extremely clever way of hiding Christmas presents! We all know kids, especially young ones, will do anything to stay away from the vegetable drawer, making it an ideal place for their December 25th goodies. The downside of this trick, is that it only works for presents that are small or flat, and that can withstand the cold. For particularly tough presents, consider trying the freezer!
In your oven. With all those holiday cookies and pies coming out of the oven, why not stick in some gifts too? Just make sure they don’t get overcooked. This hiding place may serve as a temporary storage place for presents (until the cooking begins), but who would think to look in the oven?
In your closet. This is a great way to hide gifts for older kids who are less likely to snoop around closets than younger children, but keep in mind that the presents shouldn’t be too large or bulky, otherwise you might have some explaining to do! The darker and deeper the closet, the better. To give kids an extra hard time, wrap the presents in some old clothes or blankets, stick them up high, or stack them behind some boxes.
At the bottom of the laundry basket. Getting your kids to do their laundry is difficult as it is, so you can have peace of mind knowing that your kids will never dig down to the bottom of the basket in search of a gift.
In your tool box or a toy chest. If you have an older child, chances are they don’t play with their toys as often anymore. By hiding presents in a toolbox or toy chest, they will forget about them for years! Just be careful when digging around, those screwdrivers can be sharp little guys!
And finally, in your plants! Watering plants is a chore to most kids, so hiding them in an area they avoid is a foolproof way to make sure those gifts stay hidden. Make sure those presents are waterproof (or take waterproofing measures prior to hiding), because opening a brand new gaming system or cell phone on Christmas morning won’t be quite as fun if it’s water damaged.

With these six creative places to hide Christmas presents from your friends and family, you’ll be able to keep those gifts a surprise until the very last minute. Happy holidays!
And if for some reason you lock your presents away so well even you can’t get to them, call your local Pop-A-Lock locksmiths to break them out for you! Trust us, we’ve probably seen weirder.