You may have noticed that college is back in session. With that, you will see a surge in local traffic. In addition, there are pedestrians all over the area. This is going to mean that the Campus Recreation Center is filled to capacity.
This is why t is the perfect time to consider a security upgrade for your campus facility. It is essential that the locks that are used in the Campus Rec Center are the most efficient and effective possible.
We are going to take a few moments and look at some of the benefits one can gain from shared-use locks as well as how it can affect your insurance rates and the benefits to the community and students.
Understanding What A Shared-Lock Is
A shared-use lock is simply a lock that is placed on a locker and can be used by multiple individuals throughout the day. These types of locks will typically use alphabetical or numerical combinations that can be tailored to the individual. Shared-use locks are typically electronic or mechanical as well as having the ability to use radio frequency identification.
Understanding How Shared-Use Locks DIffer From Traditional Padlocks
Using a shared-use lock is going to cut down on the amount of time needed to replace broken and lost keys. In addition, the combination can easily be obtained by management if the code has been lost or forgotten.
A shared-use lock can never be stolen or lost, which as you are all too aware is a common problem with keyed locks. Shared-use locks are also rather distinct in their abilities and are designed to meet your individual needs.
Understanding The Benefits Of Shared-Use Locks For A College Rec Center
Shared-use locks have become a favorite of maintenance managers at college campuses all across the nation. This is simply due to the fact that they offer so many benefits not only to the patrons but the owners and management as well.
General Benefits To The Owner and Manager
One of the main benefits of these types of locks is they allow you the opportunity to stay ahead of everyone else in terms of security. Just a few of the benefits one could expect from shared-use locks include:
- Enhanced security over locker space areas.
- Increased ease of management of locker capacity
- Increased cost efficiency
- Highly cost effective
- Less time spent on lock installations and lost or stolen keys
- A more aesthetic experience
In addition to the use of a master key through RFID technology or Radio Frequency Identification, you are going to have much more authority over locker usage. More information can be found out about this exciting technology in the various types of shared-locks section.
Shared-use locks are also going to benefit your patrons with the increased number of available lockers. This allows you to assign lockers to members when they are not in use as opposed to having dormant lockers while a member is away. As you know, the aesthetics of a campus are important and the same holds true in the rec center. Shared-use locks offer a much more high-end appearance which your patrons are going to enjoy.
Insurance Benefits
The vast majority of insurance companies will offer lower rates for companies that include upgraded security measures. It is a wise idea to contact your insurance agent to see if your campus would qualify for lower payments.
Benefits To Your Students
You may have noticed that college is back in session. With that, you will see a surge in local traffic. In addition, there are pedestrians all over the area. This is going to mean that the Campus Recreation Center is filled to capacity.
This is why t is the perfect time to consider a security upgrade for your campus facility. It is essential that the locks that are used in the Campus Rec Center are the most efficient and effective possible.
We are going to take a few moments and look at some of the benefits one can gain from shared-use locks as well as how it can affect your insurance rates and the benefits to the community and students.
Call now or contact Pop-A-Lock Houston today for more information.