
We are your trusted
locksmith in Tri Cities, TN

We are your most dependable
and affordable mobile locksmith

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Job Openings

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Serving the Entire Tri Cities Metro Area

Bloomingdale, Blountville, Bluff City, Boones Creek, Bristol, Chuckey, Church Hill, Colonial Heights, Elizabethton, Erwin, Fall Branch, Gray, Greenville, Hampton, Johnson City, Jonesborough, Kingsport, Limestone, Mountain City, Johnson County, Mt. Carmel, Piney Flats, Sullivan County, Telford, Unicoi, Unicoi County, Washington County, Watauga

Local Dispatch Numbers

  • 423-232-6736Blountville, Bluff City, Bristol, Fall Branch, Johnson City, Kingsport, Bristol, Jonesborough, Elizabethton and surrounding areas. , Kingsport, Piney Flats, Watauga
Phone423-232-6736Address Tri Cities, TN,