
We are your trusted
locksmith in Greensboro, NC

We are your most dependable
and affordable mobile locksmith

Call Us Today!

Commercial Locksmith Greensboro NC

We provide high quality and affordable commercial locksmith services throughout the Greensboro area of North Carolina.

Pop-A-Lock can help your business reduce employee theft and improve security through several services and specialized products including:

  • Re-key all locks in your business.
  • Provide lock repair/replacement/installation.
  • Provide key extraction, duplication and master keys.
  • Install stand alone access control Proximal card readers (Alarm Lock).
  • Deploy and maintain high security proprietary key control systems for mechanical locks.
  • Deploy and maintain master key systems.
  • General maintenance and replacement of “push-pull paddles.”
  • Service and maintenance of crash bars/exit devices.
  • Replacement and control of keys/locks for desks and cabinets.
  • Deploy magnetic locking systems for “buzzer entry” of doors (where allowable by law).

If you are looking for a licensed  commercial locksmith in the Greensboro NC area, call (336) 373-9393 for a FREE consultation!

Serving the Entire Greensboro Metro Area


Local Dispatch Numbers

Phone336-272-9393Address Greensboro, NC,